Chatham Cape Cod Beaches - Chatham Light Beach

Off Shore Road, Chatham
Close to the center of Chatham is Chatham Light Beach, which has been greatly enlarged by the shifts in sand brought about by the break in 1987 of the Great Barrier Beach. The break continues to grow, and Chatham Light Beach continues to change. This beach is protected from the heavy swells by Nauset Beach. Since this area was not a beach until the recent past, there aren't facilities such as parking lots, bathhouses, etc. There are large numbers of seals, wonderful sand dunes, beautiful views, and relatively gentle waves.
You'll have to walk about ½ mile across the sand, so pack lightly. You can take a shuttle from Main Street, or attempt to park in the limited lot. At the bottom of the stairs, take a right, walk at the high water mark for about ½ mile. It will be worth the trip.
Please note: If you should see the seals, do not under any conditions approach them! They are wild animals and should be expected to react as such.